The command ship Vis, the most advanced ship of the former Yugoslav Army, was deliberately sunk in 2016, to convert it into a tourist diving attraction.
A woman waiting on her husband, who left exactly a hundred years ago, for one of the promised lands somewhere at the end of the world, froze in time her appearance so that her husband could always recognize her.
To date, not moving much from her birthplace, she has lived through 5 different systems and regimes. Still alive and preserving her youthful appearance, she gazes at the sea every day.
Several nautical miles off the sunken ship Vis, the Brijuni archipelago rises from the sea. This is where the foundations for forming the Non-Aligned Movement were set, during a historic meeting in 1956.
Today, there is also a museum with photographs from the time it was Tito’s summer residence, and a natural science collection of exotic stuffed animals, which were sent as presents to the former president and lived on the island.